Sunday, June 27, 2010

六月二十七日(rokugatsu nijyushichi nichi): June 27

Recently I have read three books written by Enrique Barrios in Japanese. They are Ami, el niño de las estrellas (アミ 小さな宇宙人:ami chiisana uchujin) , Ami, Regresa (もどってきた アミ: modottekita ami) , and Civiliza Ciones Internas (アミ 三度目の約束 愛はすべてをこえて: ami sandome no yakusoku ai wa subete wo koete).
I was recommended these books my ex-boss. I enjoyed reading them.
They were written in 1990, 1991, and 1998 and translated into Japanese in 2000. Now they are translated into 11 languages, or more.
However for Japanese edition, there are illustrations drawn by Momoko Sakura (さくらももこ). I felt this is very special because she and her most famous character of manga (漫画) Chibi Maruko-chan (ちびまる子ちゃん) were born on May 8 which is the same birthday as mine.
I have been thinking of international marriage for a long time. In the foreword of the third book he said "Please look at those people if you have ever fallen in love with foreigners and felt it is difficult to overcome the different culture and different races. They were born in the different planets....." Please read them.

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