Wednesday, June 9, 2010

六月九日(rokugatsu kokonoka): June 9

Memory of umbrella (傘: kasa).
I usually bring an umbrella with me even if it is fine.
One day long time ago when I forgot bringing it, it started raining suddenly. My best friend and I decided to buy the same one then. Though she passed away more than 10 years ago, I still have that same umbrella, but I do not use it often. I put it in the office as okigasa (置き傘), a spare umbrella for sudden rainy day.
Today at lunch time, it was slightly raining so I brought it to the restaurant though I did not use. On my way back, it seemed I lost the cover by accident without knowing. When I got to the office I noticed that I lost it. So I went back to the restaurant to find it. On my way there I could not find. At the restaurant there was not there. But after a while the cover was there on the side of the street. How happy I felt!
Even if it is trifle for other people, for me it is something important to link to my dead best friend.
There are some people that are already dead but are still in my heart always.
I wonder how many people would remember me if I disappear from this world?

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