Saturday, June 12, 2010

六月十二日(rokugatsu jyuni nichi): June 12

Another week has passed. I have been busy and come home late every night and spent a few hours on bed. Therefore I have slept for a long time at last to catch up.
It was fine today. June 11, yesterday was nyubai (入梅), one of zassetsu (雑節), special calendar date to catch the change of the season precisely. Nyubai literally means enter plum, actually means the start of the rainy season.
There are nine zassetsu. They are :
setsubun (節分), the one day before the first day of spring
higan (彼岸), the Spring and Autumn Equinox
shanichi (社日), the day to worship ubusunagami (産土神), the god of the native land
hachijyuhachiya (八十八夜), the eighty-eighth night, 88th day since the first day of spring
nyubai (入梅), the start of the rainy season
hangesho (半夏生), around the time the herb called hangesho grows
doyo (土用), about the last 18 days of each season
nihyakutoka (二百十日), 210 days since the first day of spring
nihyakuhatsuka (二百二十日), 220 days since the first day of spring.

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