Saturday, September 10, 2016


It was fine and very hot.

Today we went to Saga Arashiyama (嵯峨嵐山) area to see the examples of preserving historical and natural landscape.

We took a train and walked around a lot.

My step counter showed more than 17000 before getting the bullet train back to Tokyo.

We visited Daikakuji (大覚寺) temple and Gioji (祇王寺) temple first. The combined tickets were yen 600 instead of yen 800 buying at each place.
Daikakuji was very big and has a big pond too. It was calm and  beautiful.

On our way to Gioji we could see the sign of the regulations to preserve the beautiful landscape.

After visiting Gioji we visited a tea room to taste Japanese Green Tea where they offered a charm which will make our one wish come true.

We went to Nonomiya jinja (野宮神社) shrine where is a big touristic spot and there were so many people there. It may have been more than 23 years since I went there last. The bamboo forest was very beautiful.

Then we crossed the famous bri dge called "Togetsukyo (渡月橋)" and ate lunch. It may have been more than 10 years since I went there. Last time I took two of my Venezuelan friends when there was Expo 2005.

I felt people there were very used to deal with tourists and kind. They kindly showed us the way to our next destination,  offered to take our pictures, and gave us useful information.

At the Kyoto station I bought my favorite kakinoha zushi (柿の葉ずし) with oshizushi (押し鮨) for dinner.

Since my luggages were so heavy that I went to the office to leave the documents and PC.

It was a fruitful business trip.

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