Monday, August 15, 2016


It was cloudy and not so hot.

Today is shusen kinen bi (終戦記念日), 71st anniversary of the end of World War II.  There was a memorial sevice which was broadcast on live. At 12 noon we stood up and offered the silent prayer for a minute at the office.

After work I visited the Fuji Film Square on my way to the Roppongi station and enjoyed the two new exhibitions. One was pictures of sky with stars and northern lights. The other was pictures of natures, especially flowers, insects, spider web with dew, ice, and so on. Its title was "とっておきの時間: totteoki no jikan, " Specially saved moment. There was the photographer, Ms. Yukie Hayashi there and I enjoyed talking with her.
If you have time, I recommend you to visit there. It is open from 10 am to 7 pm and free of charge. 

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