Friday, August 12, 2016


It was fine and hot.

I took a day off.

First I went to a branch office of the City to get the certificates of seal impressions (印鑑証明: inkan shomei) and residence (住民票:jumin hyo) which I need to proceed the inheritances. It cost yen 300 per piece.

In the morning I attended a seminar in Sakuragicho.
After that I visited my friend's new office nearby to receive the talismans from the Kyoto trip.

Then I went to Yokohama and Yokosuka to visit many different banks and securities companies to transfer money and to deal with Father's inheritance.

I needed to transfer two places, one is Japanese currency the other is US currency.
To transfer from the same banks costs less handling charge. So if you have the same bank account, you'd better use ATM and a cash card.
To transfer different currency is quite different. If you want to transfer US currency from Japan, it seems you need to have a bank account. I tried to open the same bank account to transfer, but they said to transfer US currency you need to proceed by 12:30. It was nearly 1 pm so I gave up there and went to ex-Citibank where I have Japanese yen account and Multi money account. The handling charge is quite different.
If you send US currency, it is about yen 4000, if you change them into Japanese yen and transfer, to change it costs yen 1 for 1 dollar and handling charge at window is yen 800 and at ATM is yen 400.
So I decided to deposit Japanese equivalent yen and transferred from ATM.

Then I went to securities companies in Yokohama. The necessary condtion of the documents has been changed since last year.

After coming back I went to post office to apply for life insurance. Since they deal wuth those matters until 4 pm, I was wondering if I would be in time or no. There was a missing document and I came home once and went back there. There were three things I applied, but only one was accepted. I need to revise and prepare one more document, and for another I have to wait for the notification from the main office.

I still have to deal with my father's things.

Today is the day, the month, and the year of yellow which is my rythm color of this year and it is the time of start. So I started something which I wanted to start today. I hope it works well.

Tonight is the time when we can expect  the most Perseid Meteor Shower. I hope to see them.

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