Sunday, June 11, 2017


It was cloudy in the morning, but became very fine in the afternoon.

I went to Kimono-style Miya early in the morning to get hairset and dressed.
Today's kimono is Oshima tsumugi (大島紬) which looks white from the distance but actually there are many pinstripes of many colors.
Obi is zenmai tsumugi no fukuroobi (ぜんまい紬の袋帯) and has also many colors.
Tho overcoat is organdy.

After that I went back to my car to leave the luggage, and headed for Kamakura to have lunch at Raitei (檑亭). Nearly 30 people attended this luncheon.
After lunch we enjoyed walking in the garden and taking photos.

After that we went back to the Kamakura station by taxi. I met a friend who lives in Kamakura, and visited Tsurugaoka hachimangu (鶴岡八幡宮) shrine and had Japanese sweets.  We walked around Komachidori (小町通) and visited some shops. It was only three hours short visit but we enjoyed talking and eating.

It was a nice Sunday.

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