Tuesday, January 17, 2017


It was fine.

Before going to the office I went to post office to do many things. One of them is to exchange the new year's cards  to stamps. I printed the message to address side by mistake, and I made new year's card to those who had unhappy event and realized before sending. Since there was an announcement of lucky numbers yesterday, I checked all the new year's cards. This year I got only one stamp sheet. To exchange the missed cards, they could subtruct the handling charge, and I got stamps without paying anything.

There was a new year's luncheon of our office at a Spanish restaurant. There were three choices for main dish and I chose rice paella. There were two choices for side dish, and I chose soup of chickpea and uncured ham. I chose chocolate cake and tea for dessert.
I expected paella with pan, but it was not. So it looked like just  fried rice. I felt looks is very important.

After work I visited Fuji Film Square, and went to a seminar about a dream map in Yokohama because I had an invitation ticket. I could not be in time by the unexpected event, but I am glad to have attended.

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