Sunday, February 14, 2016


Happy St. Valentine's Day!!

How do you spend this day?
In Japan it is a day for women to give chocolates to men they like.  However according to the recent survey, it is increasing for women to give chocolates to female friends or themselves and even for men to give to their friends.
There are many kinds of chocolates sold at the stores around this time of the year.  Some are so expensive, and others are reasonable.
I got the one which were small spicy rice crackers coated with white chocolate from someone I helped as a thank you token. I dare not to buy such opposite combination foods, but they were not so bad.

It was windy and rainy like typhoon in the morning.  Wind was so strong.  In the afternoon it stopped raining and became fine and rather warm.
According to the weather forecast, haru ichiban (春一番), the first spring storm has blown in the Kanto area and temperature went up to around 24 degrees centigrade like June. However it will be cold again from tomorrow.

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