Friday, March 12, 2010

三月十二日(sangatsu jyuni nichi): March 12

There were two big news which drew my attention. One is the last run of the long distance night trains between Ueno (上野) and Kanazawa (金沢). More than a half century the blue trains called Hokuriku (北陸) and Noto (能登) have run between those cities, but today became the last run for both the limited express train and the express train. All of the advance tickets were sold in 10 seconds.
At Kanazawa station about 1,500 train fans who are called toritetsu (撮り鉄), literally means taking pictures of trains, got together. At 10:15 pm Noto left and at 10:18 pm Hokuriku left for Ueno.
At Ueno station about 3,000 toritetsu got together to see, to take pictures and to say good-bye to the two trains. Hokuriku left at 11:04 pm and Noto left at 11:33 pm for Kanazawa.
They will arrive at Ueno and Kanazawa in the morinig.

Another news was Yuzuru Hanyu(羽生結弦), 15 years old became a champion at the World Junior Figure Skating Championship. Congratulations!

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