Wednesday, March 3, 2010

三月二日(sangatsu futsuka): March 2

It was rather cold again, and slightly rained.

What is your favorite drink?
Japanese people like to drink tea. There are many kinds of tea. Green tea is ryoku cha(緑茶) in Japanese. There are some grades among ryokucha. The high quality is gyokuro (玉露), medium quality is sencha (煎茶), and low quality is bancha (番茶). The roasted tea is called hojicha (ほうじ茶). Green tea with roasted brown rice is called genmaicha (玄米茶). Powder tea is konacha (粉茶). And green tea used for the tea ceremony is called maccha (抹茶). Cha(茶) means tea.
Some Chinese tea such as oolong tea or jasmine tea are also popular in Japan.
Black tea is also drunken.
All of these tea are from the same tea tree. But the producing process is different.
There are various pet bottles of tea in Japan which I missed a lot when I was in the USA because most of the cooling beverages in the USA were either mineral water or sweet soft drinks.
We drink green tea straight.

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