Sunday, March 14, 2010

三月十四日(sangatsu jyuyokka): March 14

March 14 is called White Day in Japan. This is the day when boys and men give something sweet to girls and women who gave them chocolates on St. Valentine's Day, a month ago.

It was fine today, and I went to the concert of my friend from high school. It is a classic music concert. First part lasted for one hour. There was a 15-minute break and they offered tea and sweets. That's very nice. The second part lasted for one hour and 15 minutes. I felt having a graceful time.
After the concert I went to Kamakura (鎌倉) to visit the Tsurugaokahachimangu (鶴岡八幡宮), the most famous shrine in Miura Peninsula (三浦半島:miura hanto) where the big ginkgo tree fell down recently. The tree was cut and the bottom part about 4 meters tall was planted there again. It was a sad scenery because I have known the big beautiful ginkgo tree since I was a little girl.
Since it is a very good day called taian(大安), it seems there are many weddings in Kamakura. Congratulations!

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