Monday, March 13, 2017


It was fine but cold.

There happened something and my morning train delayed.

At lunch time I went to a bank to transfer the money to American Express. Though I made a new Amex card I have not got the registration form of the bank account yet therefore I needed to send money.
How inconvenient!
First I tried to transfer from ATM, but they don't accept more than yen 100000. The bank brunch was Roppongi, so I went there to send from the window. Handling charge was yen 432 even if it is that bank that I was going to transfer. However sending from ATM would cost more because I needed to do a few times.
Handling charge for less than 30000 is yen 108 but more than yen 30000 is yen 324.
So it might have been cheaper to send from my bank account to American Express Bank Account directly using a cash card.
That was the bank lesson I learned today.

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