Tuesday, July 27, 2010

七月二十七日(shichigatsu nijyushichi nichi) : July 27

In today's newspaper there was an article regarding the average life expectancy. That of Japanese women is 86.44 years old and of Japanese men is 79.59 years old. They have been renewing for 4 years straight. Japanese women's average life expectancy extended for 0.39 years longer than last year and it has been the longest in the world for 25 years. Japanese men's average life expectancy also extended for 0.30 years longer than last year but the ranking became the 5th from the 4th. It's been 36 years since the ranking became worse than 4th. There are 6.85 years difference between Japanese men and women.
The top 5 ranking for women is 1st Japan (86.44), 2nd Hong Kong (86.1), 3rd France (84.5), 4th Switzerland (84.4), 5th Spain (84.27).
The top 5 ranking for men is 1st Qatar (81.0), 2nd Hong Kong (79.8), 3rd Iceland and Switzerland (79.7), 5th Japan (79.59).
It seems in Japan, Hong Kong, and Switzerland people have long lives.

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