Sunday, July 25, 2010

七月二十五日(shichigatsu nijyugo nihci): July 25

I went to Togakushi (戸隠), Nagano (長野). I left home around 4:10 am and arrived there around noon by bus. Togakushi is famous for the secred place, myth, shrines, hotsprings, mountain, ski and buckwheat.
For lunch and dinner I ate buckwheat noodle called soba (蕎麦) with other dishes. I took a hotspring bath too.
There are 5 shrines in Togakushi jinja (戸隠神社). They are Okusha (奥社), Chusha (中社), Hokosha (宝光社), Kuzuryusha (九頭龍社), and Hinomikosha (火之御子社). Today I visited three of them. At Okusha I had a formal visit with ritual Shinto prayer called norito (祝詞) and sake offered to the shrine called omiki(御神酒).
Okusha is in the higher place of the mountain and I had to walk about 2 km. While I was walking, it reminded me of some national parks in the United States. The place has nearly 2000 years history, and the Japanese cedar trees are so high. They are about 700 years old or so.
I hope you have a chance to visit there.

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