Thursday, July 1, 2010

七月一日(shichigatsu tsuitachi): July 1

Another month has just started. July is shichi gatsu(七月). The old name is 文月(ふづき:fuzuki or ふみづき:fumi zuki), literally meaning letter month.
July 1 is known as the opening of Mt. Fuji which is the tallest mountain in Japan. It is 3,776 meters high. I have once climbed there with my friends in the last summer of my university life. I got mountain sickness, and it was really hard to climb up after 8th station of the Mt. Fuji. We could see the top, but it was very far. Before climbing, I thought I would be thirsty so I brought the frozen drink. But it was a mistake. At that hight it is very cold. I should have brought something hot. At the mountain lodge, we were served a cup of Japanese hot tea. How delicious we could feel!
There is a shrine on the top. I drew a fortune slip called omikuji (御神籤). It was daikichi (大吉), very good luck. I was so happy that since that time I stopped drawing a fortune slip in other places.
There is a post office there. I like sending cards from the very special places so I sent a postcard from there too.
Nice memories, but for me once is enough.

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