Sunday, July 4, 2010

七月四日(shichigatsu yokka): July 4

Next Sunday we have the election of the half members of House of Councilors. I am going to work next Sunday, therefore I went to vote earlier. This is called fuzaisha tohyo (不在者投票), absentee voting.
Different from the USA, our voting is always held on Sunday, from 7 am to 8 pm usually at the public places like schools or city offices. We still use paper and pencil not computers. There are small ballot paper and we write the name of the candidate we want to vote and fold the paper in half and put into the box.
There are two pieces of paper. One is for the election district member and we write the name of individuals. 146 out of 242 members are chosen by this way. The other is for the proportional representation. We wiil write either the name of the individual candidate or the name of political party or its abbreviation.
In the USA they get the sticker "Voted!" after finishing. But I got a pocket tissue which has the advertisement of the date of election next Sunday.

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