Saturday, April 10, 2010

四月十日(shigatsu toka): April 10

It was fine today. I enjoyed looking at the beautiful cherry blossom trees all along the banks through the window of the train on my way to the seminar and back.

At the seminar two lecturers talked about creative thinking and Kojiki (古事記), literally record of ancient matters, which is the oldest extant chronicle in Japan dating from the early 8th century.
Regarding creative thinking, there are two circles. Inside is influence circle, outside is interest circle. Influence circle consists of three ways of thinking. One is zero based thinking, the other is hypothesis thinking, another is positive thinking. The lecturer asked the audience each question.
Zero based thinking is to reset something. He asked "What do you want to reset?" Some people said, age, health, partner, children, etc. Regarding hypothesis thinking, he asked "What kind of "if" can you think of? Other people said " if I were rich enough, if I were a man, if I were a woman, if I were extremely beautiful, if I was born today, etc....
Each person has a different idea, but some people shared the same idea too. It was fun to hear many ideas.
What would you like to reset or change your life?

By the way, it seems today is the 51st wedding anniversary of the Emperor and the Empress.
Best wishes!

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