Tuesday, April 27, 2010

四月二十七日(shigatsu nijyushichi nichi): April 27

They say April 27 is the day of philosophy to commemorate the death of the great classical Greek philosopher, Sokrates on April 27, BC 399. He did not write books, but his thought was spread by his pupil, Platon. Since Sokrates is famous for having had a bad wife, Xanthippe, April 27 is also known as the day of bad wife.
Bad wife is akusai (悪妻) in Japanese. The opposite is ryosai (良妻), good wife. There is a four character word, yoji jyukugo (四字熟語), using ryo sai. That is ryo sai ken bo (良妻賢母), which means a good wife for a husband and a wise mother for children. This was the ideal for women's education for a long time in Japan.
How about in your country?

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