Sunday, July 17, 2016


It was cloudy and humid.

This was the middle of three day weekend.

I went to Kimono style Miya to have my new kimono style pictures taken. I have two new summer kimono and was going to change them one after another. But my plan was changed.
After having my formal kimono (homongi: 訪問着) pictures taken I went out for lunch with my model friend to the Japanese restaurant on the 68th floor of the Landmark Tower in Yokohama.
The view from there was very nice and the special July lunch was delicious.

After that we went to the Japanese Tea Room on the 65th floor where I have wanted to visit for a few years. There are three tea rooms, one is a regular size room, the other is a small room called koma (小間) , and another is for sitting on the chair style called ryureiseki (立礼席).
First we had three Japanese sweets and tea at the regular room and then we had tea at the sitting style room too.
They say in winter you can see the Mt. Fuji from that room.
It cost yen 1500.
I recommend you to enjoy Japanese tea ceremony there.

After that we went back to Kimono style Miya again and I changed to another one called tsumugi (紬), and have my pictures taken.

After that I went to another kimono shop, and happened to see the painting process for half collar (haneri: 半襟) and making raden (螺鈿) process for obi (帯), sash. It was a rare chance.

It was a nice day.

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