Monday, August 4, 2014


It was fine and hot.  I could see the Mt. Fuji this morning.

There was a train accident in the morning, and my train was delayed.  It usually takes two hours and a half to go but today it took more than three hours.
There was an open campus event today and there were so many high school students and their parents at campus.

Since the summer vacation began last week, and we are allowed to leave one hour earlier than usual.  I left there at 5 pm and arrived home before 7:30 pm.

At night I could see the beautiful half moon.  It was jyogen no tsuki (上弦の月) waxing moon,  the moon in its first quarter.  Jyogen literally means upper gunwale. The opposite is kagen no tsuki (下弦の月), the moon in its last quarter, which literally means lower gunwale.  It will be on August 17.

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