Tuesday, August 19, 2014


Today is the last day of my summer vacation this year.  I had 10 days off, but did not travel this time.

It was fine and very hot today.

I went to Yokohama to have lunch with a friend.  On my way there on the train, I happened to see my student with her baby.  It's been so many years since I saw her last.  I enjoyed talking with her.  She went to the same high school as I did, and majored in English at the prestigious college in Tokyo after that.  I am very glad to hear that because I was the teacher who taught her English at junior high school.  When she went to junior high school for practice teaching when she was a senior at college, an English teacher said to her that her way of teaching was very similar to the one of mine.  So it was interesting to hear that.  I am glad to have been a teacher as my first career.

After having lunch with my friend, I went to Kimono-style Miya in the afternoon.  I had a good time there.

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