Thursday, October 25, 2012


It was rather cold today.  They say there was the first snow (初冠雪:hatsukansetsu) in Northern Alps.
At lunch time I heard the very interesting story.  There is a popular winter fruit in Japan which is called mikan (みかん、ミカン、蜜柑).  Its English name is Citrus unshiu or satsuma or mandarin (orange) or tangerine.  I have never thought before but they say there are male mikan and female mikan, and that male one is more tasty.  How do you know the difference?  Please look at the bottom center. If there is a projection, it is male. 
There are many famous places, but especially Wakayama (和歌山), Ehime (愛媛), and Shizuoka (静岡) are major source prefectures.

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