Tuesday, April 14, 2009

春の高山祭(haru no takayama matsuri)

Each place has its unique festival. In Takayama, Gifu(岐阜県高山市) they have two big festivals in a year. One is called haru no Sanno sai(春の山王祭, spring festival in Sanno), the other is called aki no hachiman sai(秋の八幡祭, fall festival in Hachiman shrine). Spring festival is held from April 14 to 15, and Fall festival is held from October 9 to 10. Floats of spring festivals are designated as Important cultural property.
Haru no Takayama matsuri (春の高山祭) is known as one of the three most beautiful festivals in Japan. The other two is Chichibu yomatsuri(秩父の夜祭)in Chichibu, Saitama(埼玉県秩父市) which is held from December 1 to 6, and Gion matsuri (祇園祭) in Gion, Kyoto(京都祇園) which is held entire month of July, and is also chosen as the three most famous festivals in Japan.

I hope you will have a chance to come to see these festivals.