Wednesday, September 11, 2019


It was fine and hot.

It's been 18 years since the 911.

I went to once a week yoga lesson in the morning. Today we used a Fascia release ball for the first time. It is about a size of tennis ball but rather hard.It was OK while using foot part but not OK to use for body for me.

In the afternoon I went to post office first to pay national pension insurance premium. There I happened to see a beautiful stamp sheet and bought one. They say it was a prize of sumner greeting card lottery.

Second I went to see my yoga teacher at Komeda coffee which is originated from Nagoya. It's been a while since I went there last. I ordered the seasonable Shiro-Noir and iced milk tea. They offered a small package of pea snack. We enjoyed talking. Since she was late and I taught something, she treated me.

It was a nice day.

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