Saturday, September 2, 2017


It was rainy and cold in the morning but became fine in the afternoon.

I went to Shinjuku to attend Morinda's monthly meeting. After that I measured the TruAge. To my surprise I became about 10 years younger than last time. I tried to think the reasons. The one I am sure is the increased volume of Original Tahitian Noni Juice. I usually drink a glass of Maxidoid in the morning. However I bought two cases of Original Tahitian Noni Juice in July for special campaign offering two bottles of Tahitian Noni Juice for each two cases shopping. So for the past a week or so I have drunk a glass of Tahitian Noni Juice for not only in the morning but also at night. The more I drink, the better result I get. So I am looking forward to measuring next time in October.

Then I went to Kani doraku (かに道楽), my favorite crab restaurant to have late lunch with a friend whom I got to know about a month ago. We enjoyed eating and drinking for more than three hours.

After that I went to Kawasaki to see a Japanese movie "Kimi no suizo wo tabetai (君の膵臓を食べたい)," meaning "I want to eat your pancreas." The title is so strange but when I saw the preview serveral months ago, I felt like seeing it, and finally I could make it. It was a touching movie of high school girl who was sick of pancreas but died unexpectedly.
We should not postpone what we want to do because we don't know when we die.

It was a fruitful day.

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