Thursday, April 20, 2017


It was fine and warm.

Today is Kokuu(穀雨), one of nijyushisekki(二十四節気), the 24 solar terms. Last one was Seimei (清明) on April 4, and the next one is Rikka (立夏) on May 5. Kokuu literally means grain rain. It is the time that spring rain wet the grain.

It is the 25th anniversary of the opening of Expo '92 in Seville, Spain.

I was a gradeuate school student at that time and took a year leave to be an attendant of Japan pavillion. I had worked for Expo for 7 months and traveled around Europe by Eurail Pass for the next 5 months.

The year from March 20, 1992 to March 20, 1993 is really special for me. I have learned so many things. These experiences inspired me to write a book.
I have not written a book about Europe yet, but my dream to publish a book realized after 20 years.

There will be a reunion to celebrate the 25th anniversary tomorrow, and more than 80 people will attend.
I am very looking forward to seeing them.

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