Sunday, November 8, 2015


It was a rainy day.

Today is ritto (立冬), one of nijyushisekki (二十四節季), 24 solar terms. Ritto literally means stand winter, it is the start of winter.

I went to the graveyard of my friend's uncle who took care of me a lot when I was young. He died of lung cancer at the age of 70. It's been 15 years and a half since then, but I have never had a chance to visit there.
After that my friends and I went to see the art festival of Shimoda citizen and watched some dances and saw the picture exhibition. I was surprised to see some of them made of seaweeds.

Then we ate lunch at a local fish restaurant and came back by local trains. The seat was set differently from other trains and people can enjoy the beautiful scenery.

I went to the Kimono style Miya to ask for laundry.

I had a nice weekend to see many friends from college.

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