Tuesday, November 24, 2015


It was cloudy in the morning but became fine in the afternoon and the sunset was  beautiful.

It has been 100 days since my father passed away. The day after 100 days of one's death is called hyakkanichi (百か日). This is a milestone of this year.
Next big day is August 17, 2016, just one year after the death which is called isshuki (一周忌) and we will have a ceremony with relatives. And the next after that will be August 17, 2017 which is called sankaiki (三回忌), the third year anniversary though it is only two years after the death.
After that we have seventh year service called nanakaiki (七回忌), 13 years later we have jyusan kaiki (十三回忌), and 17 years later we have jyunana kaiki (十七回忌), 23 years later we have  nijyusan kaiki (二十三回忌), 27 years later we have nijyunana kaiki (二十七回忌) and 33 years later we have sanjyusan kaiki (三十三回忌), and 50 years later we have gojyu kaiki (五十回忌). 
But it will be impossible to have such a ceremony.

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