Monday, January 5, 2015


It was fine.

I went to Ueno (上野) to visit the Yanaka Shichifukujin (谷中七福神), Seven Lucky Gods in Yanaka, Tokyo.  There are many Seven Lucky Gods in Tokyo, but I chose there because they say it is the oldest Seven Lucky Gods in Edo.  The pilgrim of Seven Lucky Gods started in Edo era, and it is still popular as New Year's event.
I started around 11:30 AM, visited seven temples, had noodle called Shichifukujin soba (七福神そば) for lunch, and finished around 15:30 PM. The distance is about 5.5 km in total between JR Ueno Station and JR Tabata (田端) Station.  Between January 1 and January 10, we can see the statues of the gods in the main buildings.

I visited the following seven lucky gods of the seven temples.

Benzaiten (弁財天) at Shinobazunoike Bentendo (不忍池弁天堂)
Daikokuten (大黒天) at Gokokuin (護国院)
Bishamonoten (毘沙門天) at Tennoji (天王寺)
Jurojin (寿老人) at Choanji (長安寺)
Hoteison (布袋尊) at Shuseiin (修性院)
Ebisunokami (恵比寿神) at Seiunji (青雲寺)
Fukurokuju (福禄寿) at Tokakuji (東覚寺)

Benzaiten, Daikokuten, Bishamonten are Indian Gods, Hotei, Fukurokuju, Jurojin are Chinese gods, and Ebisu is a Japanese God.

I bought a piece of paper printed the pictures of Seven Lucky Gods at the first temple for 1200 yen and got stamps at each temple for 200 yen.
There were seven ingredients in Shichifukujin soba, and it cost 770 yen.

While walking, I found some interesting spots such as hot springs, grave yard of the last Shogun (将軍), and Japanese gardens.

Here are some pictures of today's tour.  I hope you enjoy.


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