Sunday, January 18, 2015


It was fine and rather warm today.

There was the first tea ceremony event of this year called hatsugama (初釜) today.  It started around 11 AM and ended around 4 PM.  There were 6 pupils this time which is a rather small number compared to before.

About 1 year and a half ago one of our masters became sick, and he was hospitalized for some months.  Therefore there was  no hatsugama last year.  He became 90 years old last November.
Usually not only current pupils but also ex-pupils were invited to this kind of events, but this year they decided to hold the ceremony just for current pupils.  Usually the other female master cooks ozoni (お雑煮: soup of rice cake and vegetables) for Kyoto style which is used shiromiso (白みそ: white miso), but this year she did not make it unfortunately. Usually they prepared the lottery at the end, but they did not this year.  Their first son came to help the ceremony for the first time. 
So there were many irregularities.
In spite of that we enjoyed the event itself, eating, talking and taking many pictures in the garden.

The ceremony consisted of 4 parts.  They are sumidemae (炭点前: charcoal procedure), okoicha (お濃茶: thick tea), kaiseki (懐石: Chanoyu cuisine), and ousu (お薄: thin tea).   There were some new utensils today.

I wore the new homongi (訪問着: formal kimono) which I made for hatsugama last year, but since there was no hatsugama last year, today was the kind of debut for the kimono
Here are some pictures.  I hope you enjoy.




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