Monday, January 5, 2015


It was fine.

I went to TOYOTA to have my car repaired.  There has been something wrong with the left rear light for a few weeks.  Strange thing happened here again.  There  was nothing wrong when I got there.  But after a while they found something, and changed a bulb. They washed the car, and checked the battery and found it low quality, and changed it too. As a new year's gift I got sponge cake, and after fukubiki (福引き) fortune drawing, I got a hand towel with sheep embroidery which is the zodiac sign of this year.

After that I went grocery shoppings.

At night the new 54th NHK's taiga drama(大河ドラマ), big river drama, started.  It is a year long histrical drama broadcast from 8 pm for 45 minutes. The title is Hana moyu (花燃ゆ) literally meaning flower burning. It is a story of a sister of Yoshida Shoin (吉田松陰) who was one of the most distinguished and influential intellectual at the end of Edo period.  He is well known, but his family is not.
It is very difficult to watch every week, but I hope to try.

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