Sunday, January 11, 2015


It was fine.

I went to grocery shopping in the morning.

After having lunch I went to Yokohama Kimono-Style Miya to learn how to wear kimono.  It lasted for 2 hours but I practiced after that too.  I happened to see my friends there.
Miya is very generous in many aspects.  For example, it will be three years for them to have opened  the shop in Yokohama this spring, they decided to give New Year's Presents to those who received the New Year's cards' last three digit  No. 300 or 333, and the last digit for 3 or 5 or 7.  Fortunately I had two "333" cards, and many 3 or 5 or 7 cards.  They gave me a formal kimono.  They also gave us the transportation subsidy.  And as a new year's greeting present, they gave us kimono hanger.

When we got to the station, the trains were stopped because of the accident.  My friend and I decided to eat dinner.  We walked back and went to a restaurant, and had big dinner.

After that we went to the station to ask if the trains run or not.  Fortunately they restarted and we could come back.

It was a lucky day.

January 11 is known as kagami biraki (鏡開き), literally meaning opening mirror.  It is a custom for us  to eat kagami mochi (鏡餅) which were decorated many places at home.

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