It was a very cold rainy day, but in the afternoon it stopped raining and became fine.
I attended the tour of visiting the Seven Gods of Fortune so-called shichifukujin meguri (七福神めぐり) conducted by the city center. I have lived in this city for a long time, and wanted to visit the Seven Gods someday, but I have never tried before.
This tour of seven shrines and temples is usually done during a month in the new year to wish the better fortune.
This seven gods belief started in the middle of Muromachi (室町) era and in the latter Edo (江戸) era the current Seven Gods from Japan, China, and India were fixed as seven gods. They are Ebisuson(恵比寿尊), Daikokuten (大黒天), Bishamonten (毘沙門天), Benzaiten (弁財天), Fukurokuju (福禄寿), Jurojin (寿老人), and Hoteison (布袋尊). Their graces are business prosperity, wealth and longevity, courage and wisdom and talisman, wisdom and skill and art, happiness and fortune and longevity, good health and longevity, happiness and peace, respectively.
I am glad to have joined this tour and learned many new things today.
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