Friday, September 10, 2010

九月十日(kugatsu toka): September 10

I went to the department stores in Shinjuku. There are two big ones at the station. At the first one, I went to the higher floor where dealt with special products from Hokkaido (北海道), the north Island of Japan. There are many delicious seafoods and sweets in Hokkaido. There were so many people there today waiting in line to buy some obento (お弁当), boxed dish or cakes. I was just looking, but one of the staff gave me a sample of seaweed mix with rice, and onion slices with that seaweed mix, and soup with seaweed later. It was just a sample, but he served generously so that people there felt rather full.
After that I went to the other department store and found the advertisement saying they also had a special sale of Hokkaido products.
I am not sure why they both had the same events, but I feel like going to Hokkaido to eat delicious foods.

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