Monday, September 6, 2010

九月六日(kugatsu muika): September 6

It was another hot day.

It was fourth birthday of the Prince Hisahito (悠仁親王: hisahito shinno), the only son of Prince Akishino (秋篠宮文仁親王:akishinomiya fumihito shinno) and Princess Kiko (文仁親王妃紀子:fumihito shinno hi kiko) today. He was born to the Imperial family after 12 years of his older sister Princess Kako (佳子内親王:kako nai shinno)'s birth. It's been 41 years since the boy was born to the Imperial Family, that is his father Prince Akishino. He is the 3rd in line to the Chrysanthemum Throne after Crown Prince Naruhito (皇太子徳仁親王:kotaishi naruhito shinno) and his father Prince Akishino.
He was the first baby in the Imperial Family that was born by the Caesarean Section (帝王切開: teio sekkai).

When I walked near the Shinjuku Station, there were many lanterns, and I was wondering if there is a festival today around that area or not. There were some people who were celebrating his birthday, and I realized that that was a celebration for his 4th birthday.

Happy Birthday!

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