Thursday, September 23, 2010

九月二十二日(kugatsu nijyuni nichi): September 22

Yesterday I did not pay attention to my suitcase when I picked it up at the airport. But when I opened it, I noticed one of the wheels was broken. I was so shocked to find it out at that time. I should have taken a look at the airport. It was too late to call last night, so I waited until today.
I called the airline and talked about the damage. I just told them the baggage claim number and an email address. They said they cannot repair it but will send me the $100 coupon for the airline ticket by email.
I have had bad luck regarding the suitcase. This was the third time my suitcase was broken by the delivery services. It happened last time in August 2006 just before leaving Japan for the USA for 2 years. I needed the suitcase for sure, they offered me the new one. I really liked my suitcase because of the color and style, but without wheels it was not good and I accepted it.
And this new one was broken this time. I thought I would get the new one again, but the treatment was different.

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