Saturday, November 18, 2017


It was cloudy and slightly rained.

First I went to Shibuya to attend a seminar by Robert Allen, the New York best seller author. It was supposed to be held from 9:30 to 12:00, but it lasted longer. Unfortunately I had another appointment and could not listen till the end.

Next I went to Shimbashi to attend the joint talk event of Mr. and Mrs. Koya Yamakawa who are very famous translators of spiritual books such as "Out on a Limb" by Shirley MaCraine and "The Secret" by Rhonda Bryne and so on and Mr. Koichi Hagiwara who used to be a UNIDO official, and was my teacher about 13 years ago.
It started at 13:00 and lasted for three hours followed by Singing Ring meditation time and tea party.
I asked them for their autograph and taking pictures.
I enjoyed the talk show and getting to know new people.

After that I went to Meguro to visit Otori shrine to see Tori no ichi (酉の市), the Cock Fair with a new friend.
Then another one from the event joined and had dinner.

Today is the day of the new month and ichiryumanbaibi (一粒万倍日) which is a good day to start something.

It was a nice day.

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