Thursday, October 23, 2014


It was a cold rainy day.

It is soko(霜降)one if nijyushisekki(二十四節季)the twenty four solar terms.  The last one was kannro(寒露)on October  8  , and the next one is ritto(立冬)on November 7.
Soko literally means frost fall.
It is the time to have frost.

This morning I saw a guide dog on the train for the first time.  It is modoken (盲導犬)in Japanese.  They are so trained. Since it was raining, it wored a rain coat.
When there were enough space, it guided to the seat and went under the seat to wait. It was impressive.

Tonight I went to see a movie ゛Lucy. ゛Today was the last day of showing. 

Now I am waiting for a night bus to go to Kanazawa (金沢).

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