Sunday, June 16, 2013


It rained in the morning but became fine in the afternoon.
I went to Kamakura (鎌倉) to meet my ex-colleagues to have nice French lunch.  Before that we visited some temples to see hydrangea (紫陽花: ajisai).  There are so many shrines and temples in Kamakura.  In June many people go to see hydrangea in certain temples in Kamakura.  My friend and I got together at the JR Kita Kamakura (北鎌倉) Station and started visiting the Engakuji (円覚寺), then went to Meigetsuin (明月院) where is known as "Temple of hydrangea ( アジサイ寺: ajisai dera)"  Meigetsu literally means bright moon.  Here are some pictures.  We could get entered smoothly, but when we got out, there were so many people waiting for entering.  I felt lucky.  We visited the Museum of Yo Shomei (葉祥明) and I found a very nice post card with an encouraging message.  After that we visited Kenchoji (建長寺) and Tsurugaoka hachimangu (鶴岡八幡宮) where we happened to see the wedding ceremony.  Here again I felt lucky.   Lunch was very delicious.  We walked around the Komachidori (小町通り).  After saying good-bye to them, I met another friend.  It's been more than a year since I saw her last.  But I did not feel like that.  Maybe because we are connected with Facebook.  I walked nearly 15000 steps today.
Since today is Father's Day, I presented something to my father.  Did you do anything?

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