Wednesday, June 12, 2013


It rained and was rather cool today.
I went to Yokosuka in the morning.   There was the 5th journalism lesson in the afternoon.  Between the first business and the lesson there were about 4 hours and I visited the shrines where I have wanted to visit.
Then I went to a restaurant where I was introduced by someone I met last week.
Do you know the Yokosuka Navy Burger?  I wrote about it as follows on January 30, 2009.

"On Nov. 19, 2008 Commander US Naval Forces Japan, Rear Admiral James D. Kelly gave the recipe of typical hamburgers produced aboard U.S. Navy ships and bases in Japan to the Mayor of Yokosuka City, Ryoichi Kabaya. Promoting the "Navy Burger" as a symbolic food of Yokosuka represents the strong and friendly relations between the U.S. Navy and Yokosuka citizens."

It's been more than three years since the Yokosuka Navy Burger was introduced but I have never tasted.  But finally I tried it.  It was really big and I could not eat it all.  Even in the USA, I have never eaten such a big burger.  It cost yen 1280 with French fries.  I wish they had with a drink set.  The restaurant has Mega burger which is about 4 times thicker.  They say some men could eat them. 

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