Saturday, February 6, 2010

二月六日(nigatsu muika) : February 6

I went to hospital. I have had a back pain since April. I went to see a doctor in June for the first time regarding this pain and took X-ray and MRI but he could not find the reason. I changed the hospital near the office. They could not find the reason but just gave me some painkillers. Once in two months I visited there but nothing has changed. Yesterday I took X-ray of the neck and CT of the body. It seems the problem of the neck causes the pain on the back. Doctor gave me painkillers.
At night I happened to talk with my best Spanish friend via Skype. He mentioned about the book "La Medicina del Alma(The Soul Medicine)" written by Eric Rolf. According to the book, it seems the pain has the message. Depends on the place of the pain, there are some messages. I would like to read it someday.

Here are some words lesson.
Hospital is byoin (病院). Doctor is isha (医者). Orthopedics is seikei geka(整形外科). Medicine is kusuri (薬). Painkiller is chintsu zai(鎮痛剤). Pain is itami (痛み).

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