Monday, February 15, 2010

二月十五日(nigatsu jyugo nichi): February 15

I read an interesting article in the newspaper today. There was the ranking of the vegetables which children like and dislike.
Top 10 of the favorite vegetables are No. 1 sweet potato, No. 2 edamame (枝豆:green soybeans), No. 3 potato, No. 4 corn, No. 5 tomato, No. 6 carrot, No. 7 cucumber, No. 8 broccoli, No. 9 pumpkin, No. 10 daikon (大根:Japanese radish).
Worst 10 of the dislikes vegetables are No. 1 piman (ピーマン: sweet green pepper), No. 2 mizuna (水菜: Potherb Mustard), No. 3 eggplant, No. 4 okra, No. 5 negi (ネギ:scallion), No. 6 nira (ニラ: chinese chive), No. 7 asparagus, No. 8 shiitake (シイタケ:shiitake mushroom), No. 9 gobo (ゴボウ: burdock), No. 10 takenoko (タケノコ:bamboo shoot).
Most of the favorite vegetables are found in other countries too. When I was in the United States, I was so surprised to know edamame is now so popular in the US too. They are often eaten with beer.
Cucumber in Japan is different from that of the US. They are slender. Japanese pumpkin is also a little bit different from the one I can find in the US. I could even find daikon in Florida.
When I was in WA in 1996, I was so surprised to know that American people eat raw broccoli, raw cauliflower, and raw mushroom. In Japan we usually boil or stir-fry them.

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