Friday, February 5, 2010

二月五日(nigatsu itsuka): February 5

The 61st Sapporo Snow Festival (第六十一回札幌雪祭り:dai rokujyuikkai sapporo yuki matsuri) started today. There are three sites (大通り会場:Odori kaijo, すすきの会場:Susukino kaijo, つどーむ会場:Tsudome kaijo), and there are 249 statues of snow and ice there.
This festival will last until February 11. And about 2 million poeple around the world are expected to visit the festival. Please check the following site for details.

There are many delicious foods in Hokkaido(北海道), where is the northern island of Japan and Sapporo (札幌) is in Hokkaido. Therefore there are many food stands near the festival sites to offer the local foods.
Some of the specialty in Hokkaido are sea food such as kegani (毛がに,hairy crab), hotate (ホタテ,scallop), shake (鮭,salmon), kombu (昆布,kelp) and agricultural products such as potate, sweet corn and foods such as sushi(寿司), ramen (ラーメン), Ishikari nabe (石狩鍋), jingisukan (ジンギスカン) and so on.
Please come to Hokkaido and enjoy delicious foods.

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