Tuesday, September 1, 2015


A new month has started.  September is kugatsu (九月), its old name is Nagatsuki (長月).

I took a day off to attend a meeting for local community event because I am a representative of the 7th group in this area.  There was a cleaning around the local shrine this morning from 8 AM for the annual festival of this weekend, but I did not join that part because those who had unhappy event at home are not allowed to join to the happy related event to avoid unhappiness.

It was a rainy day. 

September 1 is known as Disaster Prevention Day (防災の日:bosai no hi) because of the Great Kanto Earthquake happened in 1923.  When I was a primary school student, there was an evacuation training every year on this day.

Today a basket of flowers from my friends of Expo 92 arrived.  I met four of them last night, but they did not mention about it and I was surprised. 

My automobile insurance will expire next month, so I tried the Internet estimation for the first time.  Seven companies replied soon.  They are one third to half price of my current insurance company offered to me for the next year.  I wonder why this happens.


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