Wednesday, July 1, 2015


Half of 2015 was over. And a new month has started. July is shichigatsu (7月) and its old name is Fuzuki or Fumizuki (文月), literally means letter month .

I have done many things during the first half. And there will be exciting events in the second half too.

It was raining in the morning and stopped raining in the afternoon.
Every first day and 15th day of the month, we clean the vicinity of the local shrine in turn.
Today was our group's turn. However since it was raining, it was canceled.

I make it a rule to visit the shrine these two days, so I went there before going to work.

This morning I had high fever again, but there is something to do at work, so I took antifebrile and went. While the medicine is working, I am OK, but after 6 hours or so I feel cold and dull having fever.
I hope to be fine soon.

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