Monday, June 1, 2015


It was fine.

I took a day off today.

I started early this morning to get a 7 am bus for Togakushi (戸隠) where is a secred place and known as Power Spots.
It takes about one hour to go there and costs yen 1350.  There are five shrines there, namely, Okusha (奥社). Kuzuryusaha (九頭龍社), Chusha (中社), Hinomikosha (火之御子社), and Hokosha (宝光社). 

From the bus terminal to Okusha it is about 2km.
I visited those shrines on foot and came back to the Nagano station around 12:30.
The weather was fine and the view from there was so nice.
Especially I like the main approach to Okusha where there are Japanese ceder trees for both sides, and the view from the Okusha shrine office, and the waterfall at Chusha.

I have been to Togakushi shrines for a few times, but they were always group tours by bus.

This time I went there alone and walked and walked.
My step counter recorded  more than 20000 steps.

I took a bus at 1:30 pm and arrived at Shinjuku before 6 pm stopping at two service areas for the rest.  There were monitors in front of each seat and I could watch a movie and TV program.

It was a nice trip.

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