Thursday, December 17, 2009

飛行機の日(hikoki no hi): Day of airplane

On December 17, 1903 the Wright Brothers, Orville and Wilbur succeeded in the world's first powered airplane flight in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. They tried four flights, and the longest record was 59 seconds and 256 meters. The airplane name was the Wright Flyer or Flyer 1.
After 2 years they succeeded in 45km flight and the splendid achievement became to be known to the world.
Thanks to them, now we can travel around the world by airplane easily.
Airplane is hikoki (飛行機) in Japanese, and airport is kuko (空港). Pilot is pairotto (パイロット), and flight attendants used to be called stewardess (スチュワーデス:suchuwadesu) but nowadays they are often called cabin attendant (キャビンアテンダント).
There were very popular TV dramas of stewardess when I was young, therefore my first dream was to be an international flight attendant to go abroad on business.

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