Saturday, December 19, 2009

忘年会(bo nen kai): Year-end party

In December we have many year-end parties called bonenkai (忘年会), which literally means forget year meeting, and actually means the party to forget the troubles of the year.
Tonight I had the one at the Italian restaurant with colleagues. The restaurant was reserved and we could enjoy eating, drinking, talking and playing games. The foods were served. But there was a table with many different alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks and we could drink whatever we like as much as we want to. We call this system nomi hodai(飲み放題), though usually we order drinks whatever we like, this time we could arrange by ourselves. The party lasted for more than three hours.
Since it is Friday today, there were so many people who had bonenkai on the street and the train. The train was full. We call this situation manin densha(満員電車).
I had one bonenkai last Saturday, and the other tomorrow, and some more next week.
In January we have many new year's party called shin nen kai(新年会), which literally means new year meeting.
December and January are party season in Japan. How about in your country?

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