Sunday, December 20, 2009

忘年会その2(bonenkai sono ni): Year-end Party 2

I had another bonenkai (忘年会), the year-end party today at lunch time. It was the class reunion of the vocational school I attended for the half year from 2004 to 2005. Reunion is doso kai(同窓会) in Japanese. There were 30 classmates there. About one third attended. We learned about the techniques of the international business administration.
Time passes equally to everyone, but for some people these 5 years was the tempestuous period, and for other people it was the calm period. Three of them got married and became mothers or a mother-to-be. Two classmates got married and they brought their baby girl. What a difference!
Our homeroom teacher also joined from the post-party party. We call this party nijikai (二次会), literally means the second party. It lasted until evening. Some people left, and the rest had the post-post-party party and we ate dinner. We call this party sanjikai (三次会), literally means the third party.
I enjoyed meeting old friends, talking many things and came home by the last train, which is called shuden (終電) in Japanese.

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